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Parasol Carousel

The Parasol Carousel is a truly unique and unforgettable installation that brings a wow factor to any event. These beautiful sculptures are made of real, colourful umbrellas that spin hypnotically when the wind blows them. Audiences are transfixed watching them move at different speeds and directions dependent on how the wind blows. They really come alive at night when they light up using their own 12- volt solar-charged power supply.


We have 18 of these stunning, kinetic sculptures in complimentary colours. with or without seating.

Our Client include. Glastonbury Festival, Lattitude Festival and BBC Proms.

This installation was made with Tracey Graham and Mat Reynolds.



please see a selection of images/video below and click the links to get in touch and view our Parasol Carousel website. 


Parasol Carousel: Text
Parasol Carousel: Gallery
Parasol Carousel: Video
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